Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dad's Memorial Service

Here is the link to dad's memorial video. Dad always had a great smile, and he got to do so many wonderful things in his 59 years. Our hearts are still heavy, and we miss him every day. We know he is in Heaven looking over us though.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Scholarship in Dad's Memory

Thank you for being patient with us. Here is the information for my Dad's scholarship fund. My Mom, Lindsay and I are working through the details of who will receive the scholarship, but you can start to donate. We won't be able to endow the scholarship until we reach a certain level of money, but the First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF) will continue to gather money for as long as it takes. Dad's bio is also included on that page via a link.

Go to:
Scroll down to the Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund and follow the instructions.

To donate to the Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund, please click here.  (Use your “tab” key to move from field to field on each PayPal page.)
Your donation will be made through PayPal; you don’t need a PayPal account to donate to FCEF.
To designate your donation to this fund, please enter “Sid Oaksmith Scholarship Fund” in the “Add special instructions to the seller” field on the payment review page
The transaction will appear on your credit card statement as “PayPal *FCEF”.

You can also donate via check. If you would like to donate via check please make it payable to "FCEF" and put "Sid Oaksmith Scholarship" in the memo field. You want to mail it to:
First Command c/o Gretchen Butler
121 Cathedral St.
Annapolis, MD 21401

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dad's Bio

COL (Ret) Sidney G. Oaksmith

COL (Ret) Sidney G. Oaksmith was born in Annapolis, Maryland on 30 May 1955, the son of Billy and Grace Oaksmith. After a long battle with esophageal cancer, Sid went to be with the Lord on 9 October 2014.

He graduated from Annapolis Senior High School in 1973 and attended Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida where he joined Army ROTC. COL (Ret) Oaksmith graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry. Upon graduation, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Army in the basic branch of Field Artillery where he served for over 26 years.

COL (Ret) Oaksmith attended the Field Artillery Officer Basic and Advanced Courses at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and is a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia and the US Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. He also graduated from Airborne, Air Assault, and Ranger Schools.

His assignments include two tours in the Federal Republic of Germany with the 75th Field Artillery Command and 56th Field Artillery Command and assignment to the 101st ABN Division. He served in both Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM as a Brigade Fire Support Officer for 1st Brigade, 101st ABN Division (AASLT). COL (Ret) Oaksmith has also served as a Political-Military Planner, Directorate for Strategic Plans and Policy (J5), Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, DC. His commands include command of 8-inch and Pershing II Missile batteries in the Federal Republic of Germany, command of the 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery (MLRS) in the Republic of Korea, and command of the 17th Field Artillery Brigade in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He also served as the Director of the Commander’s Action Group with the US Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida.

His awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal.

Upon retiring from the Army, Sidney began his civilian career as a business developer for L-3 MPRI National Group in Alexandria, Virginia. He later went on to be Vice President of Operations for L-3 MPRI Training Technology Group (TTG) in Columbia, Maryland. He left the defense contracting world, and went to work for First Command Financial Services in Annapolis, Maryland where he could enjoy life and help people achieve financial peace of mind.

He loved his Alma Mater, Virginia Tech, and his band of brothers at the German Club. He was a devout Christian, who had great faith in God. He had a great love of country and those he had the pleasure of serving with during his long career. As he said in one of his speeches, “There is no greater love I have except love of God and family, than love of each one of you.”

Sidney Oaksmith is survived by his wife and high school sweetheart of 37 year, Rebecca Smyth Oaksmith. They have two daughters, Gretchen Oaksmith Butler and Lindsay Oaksmith O’Donnell, who are married to Ben Butler and Adam O’Donnell. He has four grandchildren, Joshua Butler, Ashley Butler, Payton O’Donnell, and Austin O’Donnell. He is also survived by his sister Barbara Smith (Jim), brother Gene Oaksmith (Claudia), and sister Lyn Englert (Bob) and his mother-in-law Peg Smyth, brother-in-law Jeff Smyth (Myra) and sister-in-law Corry Atwell (Steve), as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. Sidney is preceded in death by his parents, Billy and Grace Oaksmith, his father-in-law Ken Smyth, and his brother-in-law Peter Smyth.

The family is working to set up a scholarship fund in his memory. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the scholarship fund. Information will be posted to once the fund is established.

For more information on memorial services for my dad, visit the Memorial Services for Dad blog post.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Memorial Services for Dad

We are working on setting up a scholarship fund in dad's memory, so in lieu of flowers, we ask that you hang tight with us and we'll get that information out once we know.

Memorial Gathering
John M Taylor Funeral Home
147 Duke of Gloucester St
Annapolis, MD 21401
Monday, October 13, 2014
2-4 PM and 6-8 PM

Memorial Service
Trinity United Methodist Church
1300 West St
Annapolis, MD 21401
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
10:30 AM

Reception to follow at the house

Crownsville Veteran's Cemetery
1122 Sunrise Beach Rd
Crownsville, MD 21032
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
10 AM

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Update on Dad 10/8/14

Last update of the day. Today was a pretty good day. Austin, my (Lindsay) youngest, was saying 2 names all morning: Ashley and grandpa. We got to call him on our way to a basketball game and the kids got to say hi and love you and hear grandpa say it back to them. It is those little moments that are so beautiful and such a blessing. There is also good news to report on dad.
1st - Dad got hooked up to food. He hadn't eaten since Thursday, so this was pretty awesome. He is currently getting food through a tube in his nose that goes straight to his esophagus. He is at 15ml an hour and he will work towards 55ml an hour over the next day or so.
2nd - Dad got up and walked down the hall. He made it down and back about 5 hotels rooms in length. Again, more fabulous news. He hadn't walked since the Friday of the surgery. He was tired, but more from lack of food and muscle mass as opposed to being out of breath. He found is easier to that's awesome too!
3rd - Dad got news from the ENT that he will have his vocal chord plumped up Friday!!!! His new ENT will put in some sturdier collagen that will hopefully be a little more resilient. And he can make it a little bigger than last time. So maybe he will be able to swallow again!!! And he will be able to talk again!!!

All in all a pretty good day.

This quote seems fitting today. Our family has a tradition of watching White Christmas every year. I think the words of this song are particularly fitting today:
When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

Friday, October 3, 2014

Update on Dad 10/3/14

Update on Dad. He is recovering in CCU. He is alert, but sleepy. He was confused as to what was happening because this was not in the initial plan. He has had over 2 liters of fluid taken off his lungs. His blood pressure is good. Oxygen is flowing throughout his body nicely. He is still on the ventilator, but hopefully not for long. His surgeon was saying how dad doesn't like to do anything by the book. But the positive is, my mom didn't have to learn how to "nurse" the catheter. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Gretchen took her out to Paladar for a drink and dinner before mom goes home and sleeps, and they were both crying in the restaurant from all the love and support. We love you all! You have all been amazing to our entire family.

Mom has been reading a book about a young man that went to West Point and then on to Ranger School. While Sid was in surgery, mom was reading about the ordeals of ranger school. He was saying not many make it through from those that start and without any recycling through sections to pass. Dad made it through without recycling! He is Army strong. We know he will make it through this. We love all you that are holding him up in prayer.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hospital Procedure Tomorrow

Mom and dad go in to the hospital tomorrow at 9:20 AM. The esophageal dilation and lung catheters procedure is at 11:20 AM. Prayers for a successful procedure that results in less fluid on the lungs.

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dad's Voice is Back!

Hooray! Dad's voice is back....and it's getting better every hour. He will have another procedure on Friday, and mom will learn yet another nursing skill. If anyone can learn, mom can! Thanks be to God and the ENT team. Procedure on Friday to help with the fluid in his lungs and check out his throat.

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.” Jeremiah 32:17

Monday, September 29, 2014

It's Stable and We'll Take It

I apologize for not posting this sooner. We heard from mom and dad on Friday. It's stable!!! No growth, not gone but we will take it! Now time to take a breath again. Thank you to all for your thoughts, prayers, and kind words. They helped us get through the waiting.

They will return to the oncology doctor on October 8th to see what is ahead for Sid. It will most certainly be additional chemo and further scanning to keep eyes on the cancer, but right now, we are rejoicing, thanking God, and going to enjoy the weekends babysitting our grandkids! Love and thanks to all who have supported, prayed and gotten us through these last nine months. Sid said last night that we have the best family and friends. So glad you all have been a part of our blessed life.

Dad will undergo surgery tomorrow morning at 8:45 in hopes of getting his voice back. Prayers are much appreciated that the procedure goes well and works.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

News on Friday

The wait is on to find out the results of the CT scan that dad had done this past Friday (Sept. 19). Mom and dad will go in on Friday (Sept. 26) to hear the results. In the meantime, we are anxiously waiting with faith, hope, and lots of support.

Dad is recovering from his 4th chemo session. Dad has been doing some short walks, and has gone to see Josh and Ashley play soccer. He's also had some of his appetite come back.

Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for our family. We ask for continued prayers that the CT scan reveals that the cancer is gone. Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Chemo Round 3 Starts Tomorrow

Round 3 of chemo starts tomorrow. After this, dad has 1 round to go.

Dad is tired but hanging in there. He needs to gain weight to keep up his strength, and he's working hard to do just that. He's working hard to get lots of calories in and keep them in.

His smile is still there through his tiredness. The kids and I are have been here for a while visiting. Dad has enjoyed our visit, and has loved listening to the kids' laughing. And we have loved seeing dad and helping mom out for a little bit.

Mom and dad got a good report from the doctor on Friday, so we will take all good news. Dad is still seeing a marvelous acupuncturist who is helping with his vocal cords. Prayers for the acupuncturist's healing as well.

Dad also did the Glo Run with us. He was able to walk across the finish line, which was absolutely awesome to witness.

I continue to be extremely proud and amazed at both my parents for how they have dealt with all the trials and tribulations. Their faith, humor, and unwavering love and devotion are incredibly admirable.

Please keep the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes coming.

Isaiah 43:1-3        "..."Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you. "For I am the LORD your God..."

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Update #3 on Dad

Thank you all for all the prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. Words cannot fully express how much they mean to us. We are continually amazed by the outpouring of love and support. It is through our faith, family, and friends that we are able to get through these hard times and look ahead to the fun times yet to come.

They took dad for CT scan around 10:39 last night. Dad will be admitted to the hospital because there are two small clots in each lung. Unfortunately they had to sit in the ER all night, but dad was able to get a "real" bed which helps a little. They have given him lovenox, the medicine you give through injection. Mom will need to give him those shots twice a day in place of the Coumadin he was taking.

Mom was able to go home around 5 am and got just a little bit of sleep before going back to the hospital.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Update on Dad 8/4/14

Update on dad: No chemo today. His blood levels were too low, so he is having a blood transfusion. Mom and dad see Dr. Garg tomorrow to discuss when to do chemo; we hope later this week.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Chemo Round 2 Starts Tomorrow

Dad has round 2 of chemo starting tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your prayers.

Dad will be there for the Glo Run on Saturday, August 9 even if we have to push him in the wheelchair for part of the way. He is working hard to maintain his weight and gain some back that he lost.

Mom and dad have wonderful family and friends, and they appreciate everything that you all have done for them.

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
(Hebrews 4:16)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Update on Dad's Voice

Hello all, Mom and Dad saw the ENT doctor this morning. Dad's left vocal chord is not working so he can't talk and it affects his swallowing. The doctor says that it may not ever work. They do not know what caused it -- it may be pressure from the nearby lymph nodes or something else. They can try an operation to give a shot in the vocal cords, but not right now. They are going to wait and see how the chemo goes. In the meantime, dad will have a raspy voice so we'll have to listen carefully. But they are going to try acupuncture to see if his voice returns and hopefully when they clear the phlegm from his throat, that will be a quick fix.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Prayers Needed with More Chemo

My dad got his results from the oncologist. The small spots on his lungs that they found during surgery have grown slightly and he has some small spots on his liver. So they are going to do additional chemo. He will have 4 doses of 46 hours of chemo. He will do this for 4 weeks and then we will see where he stands. He is not starting chemo this week because they want him to get his phlegm issues worked out first. He will see an ENT doctor this week.

We believe in the power of positive thought. We also believe that God does everything for a reason. When this whole process started my Dad was supposed to have 2 rounds of chemo. He never got his 2nd round because of other issues. So the small spots of cancer stayed in his lungs. If it were not for his phlegm issues and the discovery of more cells the next round of chemo would not have happened to get rid of the cancer in his lungs. It isn't the result that we were expecting, but maybe he always needed that 2nd round of chemo to totally eradicate this terrible disease. The next few weeks won't be fun, but luckily my Dad is a fighter and one of the strongest men I know. Now he will be able to live with NO cancer in his body. WE BELIEVE.....Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. It has helped tremendously so far.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

All Went Well Today

All done and now we see if he gets better or we might need to see ENT doctor. They removed a small polyp, and they will biopsy and know the results soon. All went well; there was some dilation but his throat looked clear and maybe stomach a little swollen but according to doctor all looks ok.

We talked to dad this afternoon and he was sounding good. We could hear him a little better than in past days.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Latest on Dad

Tomorrow dad undergoes an outpatient procedure to look into his esophagus to see if they can figure out what is causing major mucous secretions which has reduced his ability to talk to a strained whisper. They will also use a balloon to stretch the scar tissue where his stomach and esophagus are joined which we hope is part of an easy fix to the mucous problem. In either case, God has it in His mighty hands.

Dad has also been undergoing physical therapy to breakup the scar tissue in his stomach and back. His back has been a cause of lots of pain and discomfort daily. Progress is slow but steady.

Dad has his next CAT scan on Friday, 11 July and results on Monday. We believe it will be good results--God has it.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away.
--- Revelation 21:4

Monday, June 2, 2014

With Tears of Joy

From Tony Dungy's book, Quiet Strength: "I think there are times when I believe God welcomes the circus into our lives to give us an opportunity to show that there's another way to live and respond to things."
We have certainly been through a bit of a circus since December 30, 2013. Dad got the results of his CT scan today. It is a good report! There were lesions on his lungs which are 5mm -- too small to biopsy. These were seen during the surgery and expected. He had a spot on his liver, but this is not believed to be cancer. This is good news and news that we expected to hear -- the cancer has not spread and with God's healing never will.
Dad will not begin chemo, but will instead continue to be monitored and will get a follow-up CT scan in about 6 weeks. Dad will start physical therapy to learn how to swallow in such a way that he does not get so much gas. I know a couple of people, some in my own house, who could benefit from this type of PT. 
We are hopeful that they can meet with the surgeon this week to take out the remaining feeding tube so that dad just has a couple of bandaid wounds that need to heal. He is still on a soft food diet, but with time, that should change too. They will leave in the chemo port in case he needs infusions at a later date. 
God works in mysterious and sometimes wonderful ways. Today, He answered dad's birthday wish for a positive CT scan result. While dad is not in the clear yet, he is on his way.
We ask that you continue to pray for dad, for complete healing and strength. We also ask that you pray for those who may be just beginning this journey, for others who are in the midst of their journey, and for those who have gone on to be our guardian angels.

Friday, May 30, 2014

CT Scan Today

Dad had his CT scan today. We know that dad will be Healed by His hand, but we ask for your prayers.

Also, wish a very happy anniversary to mom and dad (37 years) and a very happy birthday to dad (59 years).

Proverbs 16:3    Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Results from Yesterday's Visit with the Oncologist

Mom and dad saw the Oncologist yesterday, 20 May. He went over the pathology report again, which confirmed the cancer is in the blood. This is how it got to the piece of the lung the surgeons removed. 

The next step is to attack the cancer in the blood to stop any spread. At some point, dad will undergo more chemo. There are trials at Johns Hopkins which may be available. The good news is there has been no major spread of the cancer. Dad has a CAT scan on 30 May, and how soon chemo starts, depends on the scan results. We believe it will be clear.

Please pray for complete elimination of the cancer from dad's body and rapid healing from the surgery.

Dad is also working hard to stop his weight loss and stabilize his weight. Please pray that he is able to gain some weight. All those recipes that mom shares on Facebook will be put to good use as dad tries to gain some weight as the guinea pig for new recipes!

Thanks to all for your prayers, love, and support. Keep them coming. Please pray for mom as well. She has been a marvelous caretaker for dad and continues to be his wife, friend, confidante, nurse, nutritionist, office assistant, etc, etc, etc.

Praise God for all He has done!

Isaiah 40: 28-31     Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,   the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint,   and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary,and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;   they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;   they shall walk and not faint.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cleared for a Liquid Diet


I was cleared for a liquid diet this morning. We are aiming to go home on Saturday. My last tube and stitches will come out tomorrow.

Love to all


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

An Update from Dad


I continue to recover from the surgery. I now only have three tubes in my body. One more comes out tomorrow.

We also got the pathology report. We are not where we wanted to be but we remain positive. They found more cancer than expected in lymph nodes in the stomach and some in the lung they didn't expect. They removed what they saw with margins, but we still need your prayers. I have a firm belief God will fight this fight and we will win. I have asked him to do so and again placed my life in His Hands. Remember 2:Peter 24 "By His stripes we are healed. . ." This is a fact and not a promise. We believe! We ask for your continued prayers -- be positive. God will make this go away!

Love to all of you!

Sid and Becky

Monday, May 5, 2014

Surgery to Remove Tumor......Check!

As promised, an update....

As you all know, dad had surgery to remove the tumor on his esophagus on Thursday, May 1. Mom and dad were up by about 4 AM and to the hospital at 5:30 AM. The surgeon began his part at around 9 AM. He had slated 12 hours for the surgery. Dad was transitioned (i.e., flipped over) and was halfway through the surgery at around 12 PM, and dad was out of surgery at 2:58 PM. The surgery ended up taking half the estimated time! They took out the tumor on his esophagus and will be checking the margins to make sure they got it all. They did not take out the lymph nodes in his chest as they had shrunk and trying to take them out would be like searching for a needle in a haystack and there was no guarantee that they could even find them. Dad was a little groggy coming out of surgery, but everything went so well that instead of going to ICU, he went straight to the oncology ward.

Gretchen was at the hospital with mom and dad the whole time. She was able to show dad his video of all the dancing prior to his surgery. There were tears of joy and laughter as he watched the video. Gretchen did a great job with it and all who contributed were absolutely amazing.
Tears of joy as mom and dad watched the video and the outpouring of love
The support at the hospital was absolutely wonderful. Dad got flowers from the Girl Scouts and pictures from the Hogsten children. Aunt Barbara, Uncle Gene, and Aunt Claudia were also able to come to the hospital and hang out with mom and Gretchen while they waited to hear that dad was out of surgery and ready for visitors.
We were politely told about the kid's play area in the waiting room....we might be a little rowdy ;)
Kids are a great distraction!
Dad did much better after the anesthesia this go around. He was still a little confused and didn't want the oxygen mask when he was first waking up, but in all, a better wake up. Dad had the oxygen mask on during the day and was finally switched to a nasal cannula (in the nose) for the night, which was much quieter. Dad had his ribs spread and a lung collapsed to be able to access the tumor, so the oxygen was to help him get back to normal. Mom stay the night with him the first two nights but was then able to come home and get some rest.

While we were there, dad had a lot of tubes coming out of him (for drainage, oxygen, pulse ox, BP, and catheter). Hopefully the tubes are removed soon. He is on strict orders not to have anything by mouth, so his throat and mouth are a little dry.

Dad is doing as well as can be expected. He was put on morphine to help with his pain. The first couple of days in the hospital, dad moved from his bed to the chair with not much other movement. Mom told me that he was up and walking today, which is absolutely wonderful. He had been getting in 2 mile walks prior to his surgery so he is strong and ready!

The biopsy results came in and dad will need another round or two of chemotherapy. The margins were clean, but they are doing the chemo as a precaution because of the lymph nodes. They are just gonna kill those buggers and then we will be good to go! Dad is still all smiles, as he always is.

Dad with Dave Haught and Randy Anderson
Thank you for all the prayers and well-wishes. We believe that dad is healed. We have been so blessed as a family to have all the love and support and we know that you will continue on this journey with us, and we love you all for it. You have made these past couple of months, much easier on us all. Please keep those prayers coming as dad gets ready for chemo again and as he continues to heal from his surgeries. I have the 5-year point marked on my calendar so we can celebrate in grand style!

Deuteronomy 31:6      Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Surgery is Tomorrow

Dad's surgery is tomorrow. Mom and dad will get up at around 4 AM as they have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM. The surgery is supposed to begin at 7:30 AM and is expected to last 4-5 hours. Gretchen will be with mom tomorrow and my family is driving down tomorrow morning to be there as well.

They will take out the tumor in dad's esophagus so dad will go back to eating through his feeding tube only. They haven't decided yet whether they will take out the two lymph nodes as well.

Please pray for the surgical staff, for dad and mom, and for a full and quick recovery!

Heavenly Father, Healer of Wounds, God of Unconditional Love and Mercy, please hold Sid in the palm of your hand as he undergoes surgery. Please direct, guide, and bless the hands, minds, eyes, and instruments of the surgical team assigned to do the surgery and every person who touches Sid. Invite them to focus their minds to the tasks at hand and make each one of them perform their assigned tasks perfectly and precisely through Your guidance. Lord, please breathe love and peace to the family and loved ones, that they may continue to feel your warmth and love on this day of the surgery. Assure them that Sid will be healed so that he may continue to serve You in the ministry You called him to do for the proclamation of Christ's goodness, grace, and mercy. We lift up our prayers in Your Name, Lord. Amen. 
Laura Story - Blessings (Listen: Aline Barros) from jorgi on GodTube.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Preparation Starts Tomorrow

Dad's preparation for his surgery begins tomorrow. He will be on a clear liquid diet starting at 9 am. Then at 5 pm, dad will take Mucilax to clean out his system. He is in high spirits and ready to get the surgery under way so he can get to healing.

Exodus 14:14   Place your problems in God's hands and have faith that He will do the impossible in your life. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Surgery is This Thursday

Dad's surgery is this Thursday. He is getting stronger and is ready to get the surgery done so he can get on the road to recovery.

Mom, dad, grandma, and Ashley went to the Army/Navy baseball games on Sunday and the included photo is from that day. Dad is looking great!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Joyous News!

Forgive the short update, but I wanted to get it out despite a busy day. Dad heard from the surgeon and they do not think that the spots on his liver that showed up during the CT scan are cancer. They will still do an MRI to make sure but they don't think it'll be cancer. Praise The Lord!

Psalm 98:4    Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Surgery is Scheduled

Mom and dad met with the surgeon yesterday and surgery is set for May 1. Dad is the only surgery for that surgeon on May 1. They will go in through the chest and the side to take out that nasty tumor.

They are still debating going down through the esophagus to get to the two lymph nodes to remove them. That surgery is a bit trickier since it goes past the vocal cords and the lymph nodes are by a nerve.

The wound nurse has her marching orders (can you tell we are a military family) and is determined to get dad's stomach wound all better prior to May 1. Dad just has to continue gaining weight and getting stronger before the date.

They still need to double check on the spot on dad's liver. They will either do an MRI or a biopsy in the upcoming weeks. We believe that it will be nothing noteworthy but we continue to ask for prayers.

Loving Father, I entrust myself to your care this day; guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed, I may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with you and with those around me. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mostly Good News and a Prayer Request

I just spoke with my dad following his appointment with the radiologist. As I had mentioned previously, he had a CT scan done on Tuesday so he had to go in today to find out the results.

The mostly good news is that the tumor and spots on dad's lymph nodes have shrunk and will continue to do so. This is very early to do another CT scan as the radiation is still working in his body to kill the cells. God is good and that answer was as we had expected given that dad has been able to eat and drink more and easier these past couple of weeks.

We do have a prayer request though. There was a spot on the liver in the CT scan. They don't know what the spot is, but they note anything that is different from the last time. It could be something as simple as a blood vessel, but they just don't know yet. We ask for prayers that the spot is nothing.

Mom and dad will meet with the surgeon tomorrow to get more information and to find out about next steps.

Exodus 23:25  “Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.”

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Weekend Getaway and an Upcoming CT Scan

Mom and dad got a much needed weekend away and went down to Virginia Beach to spend some time with the Poole's. Mom played in the handbells with Janice and dad got a great surprise. Several members of the German Club came up to surprise dad. As dad said, "it was one of the greatest surprises of his life."

On the way home, dad had a Taco Bell taco and drove home. He's been driving more and more and has been happy to eat real food again.

Prayers are needed for tomorrow (Tuesday) as dad will have a CT scan in preparation for his upcoming surgery. Please pray that there is nothing new and that the cancer has disappeared or shrunk.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – Marcel Proust

Monday, March 31, 2014

Somebody's Been Eating!

Good news, dad has been eating! And real food too, not just the liquid gold that goes directly to his stomach!

Mom and dad took a trip to the commissary where dad picked out foods that he wanted to try and eat. While some days are easier than others, dad has been able to eat. He's had a fried egg, bacon, some toast, the little crunchy things that come with Chinese food, and pizza. He's working on increasing his protein intake so that he can continue to get stronger and run in all those races that mom has said he would do with people.

He also has the negative pressure wound therapy (aka wound vac) attached to him. The wound is getting better. The home nurse has seen a lot of improvement lately. It is getting more shallow, which is awesome.

Dad has also been out and about more. He was finally able to go back to church and has been in the office for more hours, on more days of the week. He will be at the Orioles opening day today with mom, Gretchen, and Aunt Pat. Hopefully the O's can get a win today for the occasion!

We ask for continued prayers of healing for the pothole in dad's stomach (mom's and dad's joke as to the appearance of dad's stomach) and for increased strength as he readies for surgery toward the end of this month.

We thank you all for the encouragement and photos from various events. You are a big part of dad's healing process and we appreciate each and every one of you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

I also wanted to quickly mention again that in the fall of last year, my dad, sister, and I signed up to run the Across the Bay 10K. I wanted to take it a step further and use this run to help raise funds for cancer research. Please join me in my efforts to raise funds for the American Cancer Society to help support their mission: "saves lives and creates a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back." Please help by donating to "Team Don't Stop Believing" between now and November when the race takes place. Thank you all in advance for all your support!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Relay for Life and Birthdays!

Team Don't Stop Believing was out in full force today at the Piney Orchard Running Club's Wipeout Cancer 5K. Out of 300 runners, Team Don't Stop Believing had 30 people (10% of the population  was there with Team Oaksmith). We want to thank all of the runners and walkers who came out in support of cancer research and our team. It warmed our hearts on a colder day to see everyone there.
Mom and Dad before the race!
Team Don't Stop Believing!
We also celebrated mom's 60th birthday today. We made sure she was fully geared up with a sash, beads, birthday headband, and balloon (thanks Aunt Corry!). The kids and I took her to the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament to see Army take on Maryland. While it wasn't a win, it was a fun game with great seats. She has greatly appreciated all the phone calls, texts, emails, cards, and facebook messages wishing her a happy birthday.
The view from our seats
Dad is doing well. His wound is getting better each day. I got to see mom change the bandage, which was very cool to see. The wound is getting smaller, more shallow, and the bad stuff is staying away. The current joke is "who needs a six pack when you have a pothole."

He is getting lots of nutrients through his feeding tube on a continual basis, and even changed his own bag today while we were out. Mom is thinking that she can turn over that job to him every day! He was even able to eat corn and potato chowder soup the other day which was amazing progress.

He's been up and moving around and has been in and out of the office. It is great to see him getting stronger every day.

Mom is a great nurse and has been known to teach some of the home nurses how to correctly pack dad's wound. She may have missed her calling as a wound care nurse. She's done great with dad though with his feedings, wound care, and everything in between.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Surgery in 4 Weeks

I just spoke with dad and they are going ahead with surgery in 4 weeks. He has to gain 5-10 pounds before then. I mean, the doctors can just take some of mine and give it to him. I will gladly make that "sacrifice" for dad.

The doctor was so pleased with how he looks. Dad has also been out walking and has had a couple 1/2 mile walks.

Mom and dad want to thank all those who are helping them with your prayers, help, laughter, support, and everything else you have done. We could not make it without Team "Don't Stop Believing!"

Dad had a lot of wonderful visitors over the weekend with Aunt Hazel, Arlene, the Ekvalls, and the Andersons. Since we are on spring break here this week, the kids and I will be headed down to Maryland tomorrow to visit, run the Piney Orchard Wipeout Cancer 5K, and take mom to the NCAA Tournament to see the Army Women's Basketball team play!

We ask for continued prayers that dad's stomach wound continues to heal and that he gains 5-10 pounds.

Deuteronomy 31:6     Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Surprise Visit for Mom and Dad

Back when dad was in the hospital for a long time, I decided that it would be fun if the Hokie Bird could pay him a visit. So on February 25, I sent a message to the Hokie Bird on Facebook. I didn't know if the Hokie Bird would come visit, but as I said in my message, you never know unless you ask - something I learned from my mom. I got a very quick response from the Bird and thus began the start of a great surprise.

I told Gretchen that I had been in touch with the Hokie Bird and that the Bird was going to try and come visit with dad. I asked Gretchen if we should tell mom, but we both quickly agreed that it would be much cooler if we kept it a secret from both of them. 

After weeks of messaging back and forth, the Hokie Bird let us know that he would be in the area and could come visit on Wednesday around noon. I don't know if mom was wondering why we were so curious about what they were doing and where they'd be on Wednesday around noon, but we got all the info and put our plan into motion. I called the Anne Arundel Medical Center Wound Center and let them know that a big Hokie Bird would be there to surprise dad just so that they weren't caught off guard. The lady on the phone was great; she sounded as excited as we were about the visit.

Gretchen would be there to meet the Hokie Bird and take photos and video of the whole thing. Of course, we had a little moment of panic when Gretchen's oldest had an orthodontist appointment at 11 that day, but he got done in record time and Gretchen was at the hospital early to wait for the Hokie Bird.

Gretchen, Josh, and the Hokie Bird surprised mom and dad in the exam room. There were lots of happy tears and smiles. If it looks like mom is crying in all these pictures, she is, but they are definitely happy tears. So happy that we could arrange this surprise for mom and dad after everything they've been through. The Hokie Bird definitely embodied Virginia Tech's motto "Ut Prosim" (That I May Serve) today. He left dad a poster that said, "To a true Hokie, Keep strong and never stop jumping!"
Hokie Bird with mom and dad

Hokie Bird with dad

Josh was excited that he was in on the surprise

Josh with the Hokie Bird

Go Hokies!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Glo Run Registration is Open!

We are doing The Glo Run race to celebrate life! You don't have to be a runner to do it with us either. I will be walking with Austin on my back and with Payton by my side.

To register, go to and click on "tap here to register." Fill in the required blanks. Under Group/Team, click Select Group/Team. A pop-up window will appear and you'll be able to scroll through to find our team, "Don't Stop Believing." There is no limit on the number of people each team can have so we'd love to have you all on our team! We have already reached our team of 5, which means that everybody who signs up under our team will get a pair of glow in the dark sunglasses!!

Registration is $50 per person. They may have specials that they announce on Facebook or on their web page so look for those as well. If you register before March 19, you can get 40% off (40% OFF ($30) to the next 250 or by 3/19/14 with code "40GloDC"). You don't have to be a runner to join us; you just have to be willing to get out and have a little fun in DC at 8:40 pm.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Last Day of Radiation

Dad had his last day of radiation today! When he left, he rang the bell to signify his last day. I don't think mom and dad ever heard a more beautiful sounding bell. The staff at the radiation center at AAMC was wonderful, but we will be very happy if we never have to see them in that setting again. After his last treatment, he had an IV infusion to help with his hydration.
Mom is doing a great job as his nurse. The visiting nurse even noted at how good mom was doing with taking care of dad's stomach wound after just one demonstration. They don't know what we all already know about mom, she's kind of amazing.

Dad was back in the office today. Once his stomach pump started beeping though, it was time to go. Payton (my 3.5 year old) thinks it's pretty funny that grandpa's stomach beeps when he's hungry. 

2 Corinthians 4:15-16     All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.  Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dad is Home!!

After spending roughly a month in the hospital, dad was able to come home today!! Hooray for answered prayers!

Dad is happy to be home and to be wearing his clothes. He wants to thank the German Club for his new outfit. Zoey is very excited to have him home too.

Mom is now back on the job taking care of dad. He'll still be going into the hospital every day until Friday to finish up his radiation treatments, but he's happy to be back in his chair and watching his TV with a remote where he can go up and down and type in a specific number! It's the little things sometimes.

Keep the prayers coming for continued healing and for a total eradication of the cancer!

There are also a couple of other ways to support dad that we wanted to let you all know about really quickly. If you are in the Odenton, MD area on March 23 (mom's 60th Birthday), please come run the Wipe Out Cancer 5K with Team Don't Stop Believing. There are still a few spaces left on the team. Also, registration opens tomorrow (Thursday) for the Glo Run. The date has changed to August 9. We can have an unlimited number of teammates on Team Don't Stop Believing! Finally, dad, Gretchen, and I are running the 10K Across the Bay. Team Don't Stop Believing is raising funds for the American Cancer Society in conjunction with that run. Please consider donating to the cause; we'd really appreciate it!

Mark 11:24      Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Last Week of Radiation!!

Dad with his grandkids: TL Payton, TR Austin BL Joshua, BR Ashley
Let's lead off with the good news, this is dad's last week of radiation!! Hooray! He will have his final treatment on Friday. It has been 7 weeks (1 week off due to surgery) of treatment.

Dad has been in the hospital since our visit to Annapolis. He will soon move to a room in the Oncology Ward. But there is talk of him going home. He will still require bandage changes, but if he gets to go home, they will teach mom everything she needs to know. I think mom should probably get an honorary oncology nursing license after this.

There is still no word on his second, and final, round of chemo. So long as his stomach wound is still healing, they will most likely not do the chemo. It is healing, but it is a slow process.

Dad should have had his stomach wound cleaned up this afternoon. To save you the details, they basically removed the bad to make way for the good. The simplified answer they gave mom and Gretchen was that, they needed to remove the concrete so the grass can grow.

He is getting stronger every day. He has enjoyed seeing all his visitors, and had a lot of people come and visit over the weekend. He has his phone and has been answering emails as well. When I spoke with him today, he sounded very good. We can't wait until we get to see him soon.
Dad checking emails

Jeremiah 17:14    Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thank You for the Blanket

Mom and dad would like to say thank you to the person who sent this quilt, so if it was you, please let them know. Mom and dad have the best support system!

If you didn't know, these are dad's favorite colors. Although I don't think that comes as a shock to anyone. I don't think he owns a t-shirt or sweatshirt that is anything but Virginia Tech colors, despite all my efforts to get him into some of that beautiful Tennessee orange.

And it is no wonder that maroon and orange are dad's favorite colors. I did a little digging for fun and found out some fun facts about the colors associated with your dreams according to According to their site, maroon "is symbolic of courage, bravery, heroism, and strength." My dad is one of the bravest and strongest men I know in regards to both his most recent battle and with the way that he lives his life. He chooses the harder right before the easier wrong and that is true strength to me. Plus, he's definitely a hero to our family. The orange "denotes hope, friendliness, courtesy, generosity, liveliness, sociability, and an out-going nature" From the start of dad's treatments, he has been a shining beacon of hope. He makes it easy for the rest of us to be strong and positive. I might give the out-going nature part to mom though.

More on dad though. He is doing well. When we spoke with him tonight, mom was shaving his face. And no, not with the electric kind, but a good ol' fashioned razor. She also washed his hair to which he told us that he now understands why it is our favorite part of getting a haircut. I guess that's how much you love and trust one another after almost 37 years of marriage on top of 6 years of dating. Or maybe he's helping mom prep for her next job at a salon.

Ruth 1:8    ...May the Lord reward you for your kindness...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Prayers Needed for Stomach Wound Healing

Family and friends, we are asking for healing prayers for dad's stomach wound. Right now, chemo is on hold so that he can heal and get better. The would also needs to heal in case dad needs surgery for the cancer. So we ask for prayers that the wound heal and that dad gets stronger.

The wound is looking better today, but it is still a long way to go. They will continue to do radiation, but would like to get a second round of chemo and be able to do the surgery. They could do the surgery after just 1 round of chemo, but would really like to do 2 rounds.

Proverbs 3:5-6    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

An Internal Battle Begins

We are asking for renewed/continued prayers for dad.  As we mentioned previously, he had surgery to clear up his blockage.  He needs the stomach wound from that surgery to heal while he is undergoing radiation and chemo.  One is working against the other and he needs all of it to work together.

Please pray the Lord gives the doctors the wisdom they need to work all this out and that dad's body responds well so he can continue to be made well and restored to great health. Mom and dad are meeting with the doctors today to find out next steps.

He is still in the hospital and has not gotten to go home as of yet. The nursing staff and doctors are taking good care of him and he tells us that he is getting stronger every day.

He is grateful for all the visitors he's had and for the continued messages of support. He's gotten to watch Josh and Ashley (Gretchen and Ben's kids) go skiing and playing basketball through the wonders of modern technology.

We also ask that you keep the Bethea's in your prayers for their daughter Kelley that she recover quickly and fully. I also ask that you keep the Blake Family (for their son Ronan for continued healing) and the Duffy Family (for dad/husband Sheldon for complete healing as he battles leukemia) in your prayers.

Isaiah 40:31  but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Case of the Rotating Rooms

Yesterday I said that Dad was moving out of the ICU tonight and into a lesser care room just as soon as they get the room ready for him! One more step in the right direction!

Well, today Dad is once again moving to a lesser care room! That's 2 rooms in 2 days! He's also been up and walking without his "wheels." They are stopping feeding him by IV and are now solely feeding him through his tube. Prayers and positive thoughts that dad does well with the absorption of nutrients so he can go home this weekend.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Radiation Continues

GOOD NEWS!!! Dad continues with his cancer treatment today. He goes in for radiation and will continue on his current path. Halfway to victory!

He is still in the ICU. We are not sure when he is coming home, but the good thing about the hospital is that he is getting good "food" and fluids.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Update on Dad 2/16

I am sharing an email from my Aunt Lyn as she was able to speak with my Aunt Barbara about how dad was doing. Here is her email below:
It was great to hear the update from Barb today - excellent progress! (Dignity just flies out the window when the whole family rejoices over the workings of your GI system :-) ). I know Sid had been feeling discouraged about his lack of progress but, between the fluid build up and pressure, the effects of anesthesia and intestinal surgery, these things do take time!

So glad they started the TPN and lipids a few days ago. I was hoping they would so that he can get some good nutrition while he is hospitalized. It will go a long way towards helping his healing and strength. Glad PT and you (now that the nurses know not to fuss at you!) are working with him to get moving and regain strength. So good for both mental and physical outlook when you can get up and about! 

Saw the pic on FB and wondered, since Ashley was visiting, if he in a regular room now or if they are allowing her to visit in CCU.  She's obviously good therapy - Sid looks good in the pic!
Just wanted to share a couple of notes on how dad is doing. Mom and dad were able to spend Valentine's Day together. It was in the hospital, but at least they were together. Dad is getting some good nutrition while there and they are keeping their sense of humor up. We joked that dad was having steak, potatoes, and green beans for dinner.
Gretchen and her family have been able to come spend lots of time with grandpa at the hospital, which helps to cheer up his spirits. They played Uno the other day. As usual, there were no "kid gloves" on and dad lost every hand.
Dad is now finally up and walking again. He hadn't been up and moving since last Sunday. He now has a new VT colored wheelie to help him get around while he regains his strength.
Dad is making progress and he greatly appreciates all the messages, visitors, and calls. He is in good hands at the hospital and mom is getting good rest while spending lots of time with him during the day.

Philippians 4:6-7     Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Surgery Went Well

My Dad is out of surgery and everything went well. The surgeon (yesterday) was concerned that the reason for the blockage was because of cancer in the intestines. My mom, ever so lovingly, told the doctor that this was NOT a possibility. We were confident that it was something else and to move on.

Today, she was validated. NO cancer in the intestines. So more prayers answered! My dad will remain in the hospital for about a week recovering. He is in the ICU tonight so they can continue to monitor his blood pressure and pulse. During his recovery he will not have radiation or chemo. The recovery could last around 5 weeks. They aren't sure what this means for the treatment going forward, do they start over or do they keep going, but that is something we will deal with next week.

For now we are just grateful that everything is all cleaned out and it isn't more cancer. Thanks for all the prayers this afternoon...If you are in the Annapolis area and want to go visit let us know and we can get you my Dad's room number. Good thing the Olympics are on TV!!

One Prayer Answered, A Couple to Go

Before I begin, I wanted to share an email that I received from my Aunt Barbara. We initially found out yesterday that dad will be having a filter put in his leg because of blood clots and then on Tuesday he will need surgery to repair the blockage in his intestine. He feels confident that all will be okay. Aunt Barbara spent some time with mom and dad at the hospital yesterday and shared this scripture with them:
Your Dad asked me to forward this scripture to you. It is one that God gave me this evening after the emotional roller coaster of the afternoon that your parents have experienced.

The entire scripture is from II Chronicles 20: 1-23. It describes a time when the Hebrew children were under siege with enemies attacking from all sides and no chance of victory in human terms. The people prayed to God in verse 12, declaring that they were powerless against their enemies, didn’t know what to do, but their eyes were on God. In verse 15 they receive their answer from God, “Thus says the Lord to you, Fear not and be not dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle is not yours but God’s.” Verse 17 continues, “You will not need to fight in this battle; take your position, stand still, and see the victory of the Lord on your behalf…Fear not and be not dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you.” They began to praise the Lord and thank Him for His victory before the battle began. Verse 21-22 says that the people sang and praised the Lord saying, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever. And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men” (who were their enemies). What actually happened was that the enemies each came from a different direction and ended up fighting and killing each other and the Hebrews didn’t have to do anything but stand on the hillside and watch.

Your Dad and Mom have never stopped thanking and praising God for the victory that He will give them in this battle. God would not give me peace until I shared this with them and your Dad asked me to share it with you. You and Gretchen and your families remain in our prayers also at this hard time.

I shared this with you because it is fitting for a couple of reasons. The first reason is simple, it is a lesson we could all hear. Second is that we have had one prayer answered in that dad no longer has to get the filter put in for the blood clots in his leg.

We ask for continued prayers for dad as he will have surgery this afternoon to have the intestinal blockage cleared. In simple terms, we pray that God heals dad so he can go #2. A strange thing to pray for, but much needed.

Mom and dad are doing well otherwise. Dad is ready to get out of the hospital bed, but he's thankful for the visitors he's had. He and mom are watching the Olympics and doing their daily readings while there. Gretchen and her family stopped by last night to bring mom dinner from PF Chang's and to visit with dad.

We thank you all for your continued prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. This too shall pass, and we believe dad will be healed of all.