Monday, February 24, 2014

An Internal Battle Begins

We are asking for renewed/continued prayers for dad.  As we mentioned previously, he had surgery to clear up his blockage.  He needs the stomach wound from that surgery to heal while he is undergoing radiation and chemo.  One is working against the other and he needs all of it to work together.

Please pray the Lord gives the doctors the wisdom they need to work all this out and that dad's body responds well so he can continue to be made well and restored to great health. Mom and dad are meeting with the doctors today to find out next steps.

He is still in the hospital and has not gotten to go home as of yet. The nursing staff and doctors are taking good care of him and he tells us that he is getting stronger every day.

He is grateful for all the visitors he's had and for the continued messages of support. He's gotten to watch Josh and Ashley (Gretchen and Ben's kids) go skiing and playing basketball through the wonders of modern technology.

We also ask that you keep the Bethea's in your prayers for their daughter Kelley that she recover quickly and fully. I also ask that you keep the Blake Family (for their son Ronan for continued healing) and the Duffy Family (for dad/husband Sheldon for complete healing as he battles leukemia) in your prayers.

Isaiah 40:31  but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 

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