Monday, February 10, 2014

Surgery Went Well

My Dad is out of surgery and everything went well. The surgeon (yesterday) was concerned that the reason for the blockage was because of cancer in the intestines. My mom, ever so lovingly, told the doctor that this was NOT a possibility. We were confident that it was something else and to move on.

Today, she was validated. NO cancer in the intestines. So more prayers answered! My dad will remain in the hospital for about a week recovering. He is in the ICU tonight so they can continue to monitor his blood pressure and pulse. During his recovery he will not have radiation or chemo. The recovery could last around 5 weeks. They aren't sure what this means for the treatment going forward, do they start over or do they keep going, but that is something we will deal with next week.

For now we are just grateful that everything is all cleaned out and it isn't more cancer. Thanks for all the prayers this afternoon...If you are in the Annapolis area and want to go visit let us know and we can get you my Dad's room number. Good thing the Olympics are on TV!!

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