Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dad is Home!!

After spending roughly a month in the hospital, dad was able to come home today!! Hooray for answered prayers!

Dad is happy to be home and to be wearing his clothes. He wants to thank the German Club for his new outfit. Zoey is very excited to have him home too.

Mom is now back on the job taking care of dad. He'll still be going into the hospital every day until Friday to finish up his radiation treatments, but he's happy to be back in his chair and watching his TV with a remote where he can go up and down and type in a specific number! It's the little things sometimes.

Keep the prayers coming for continued healing and for a total eradication of the cancer!

There are also a couple of other ways to support dad that we wanted to let you all know about really quickly. If you are in the Odenton, MD area on March 23 (mom's 60th Birthday), please come run the Wipe Out Cancer 5K with Team Don't Stop Believing. There are still a few spaces left on the team. Also, registration opens tomorrow (Thursday) for the Glo Run. The date has changed to August 9. We can have an unlimited number of teammates on Team Don't Stop Believing! Finally, dad, Gretchen, and I are running the 10K Across the Bay. Team Don't Stop Believing is raising funds for the American Cancer Society in conjunction with that run. Please consider donating to the cause; we'd really appreciate it!

Mark 11:24      Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

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