Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Surprise Visit for Mom and Dad

Back when dad was in the hospital for a long time, I decided that it would be fun if the Hokie Bird could pay him a visit. So on February 25, I sent a message to the Hokie Bird on Facebook. I didn't know if the Hokie Bird would come visit, but as I said in my message, you never know unless you ask - something I learned from my mom. I got a very quick response from the Bird and thus began the start of a great surprise.

I told Gretchen that I had been in touch with the Hokie Bird and that the Bird was going to try and come visit with dad. I asked Gretchen if we should tell mom, but we both quickly agreed that it would be much cooler if we kept it a secret from both of them. 

After weeks of messaging back and forth, the Hokie Bird let us know that he would be in the area and could come visit on Wednesday around noon. I don't know if mom was wondering why we were so curious about what they were doing and where they'd be on Wednesday around noon, but we got all the info and put our plan into motion. I called the Anne Arundel Medical Center Wound Center and let them know that a big Hokie Bird would be there to surprise dad just so that they weren't caught off guard. The lady on the phone was great; she sounded as excited as we were about the visit.

Gretchen would be there to meet the Hokie Bird and take photos and video of the whole thing. Of course, we had a little moment of panic when Gretchen's oldest had an orthodontist appointment at 11 that day, but he got done in record time and Gretchen was at the hospital early to wait for the Hokie Bird.

Gretchen, Josh, and the Hokie Bird surprised mom and dad in the exam room. There were lots of happy tears and smiles. If it looks like mom is crying in all these pictures, she is, but they are definitely happy tears. So happy that we could arrange this surprise for mom and dad after everything they've been through. The Hokie Bird definitely embodied Virginia Tech's motto "Ut Prosim" (That I May Serve) today. He left dad a poster that said, "To a true Hokie, Keep strong and never stop jumping!"
Hokie Bird with mom and dad

Hokie Bird with dad

Josh was excited that he was in on the surprise

Josh with the Hokie Bird

Go Hokies!!

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