Monday, March 3, 2014

Last Week of Radiation!!

Dad with his grandkids: TL Payton, TR Austin BL Joshua, BR Ashley
Let's lead off with the good news, this is dad's last week of radiation!! Hooray! He will have his final treatment on Friday. It has been 7 weeks (1 week off due to surgery) of treatment.

Dad has been in the hospital since our visit to Annapolis. He will soon move to a room in the Oncology Ward. But there is talk of him going home. He will still require bandage changes, but if he gets to go home, they will teach mom everything she needs to know. I think mom should probably get an honorary oncology nursing license after this.

There is still no word on his second, and final, round of chemo. So long as his stomach wound is still healing, they will most likely not do the chemo. It is healing, but it is a slow process.

Dad should have had his stomach wound cleaned up this afternoon. To save you the details, they basically removed the bad to make way for the good. The simplified answer they gave mom and Gretchen was that, they needed to remove the concrete so the grass can grow.

He is getting stronger every day. He has enjoyed seeing all his visitors, and had a lot of people come and visit over the weekend. He has his phone and has been answering emails as well. When I spoke with him today, he sounded very good. We can't wait until we get to see him soon.
Dad checking emails

Jeremiah 17:14    Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

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