Monday, September 29, 2014

It's Stable and We'll Take It

I apologize for not posting this sooner. We heard from mom and dad on Friday. It's stable!!! No growth, not gone but we will take it! Now time to take a breath again. Thank you to all for your thoughts, prayers, and kind words. They helped us get through the waiting.

They will return to the oncology doctor on October 8th to see what is ahead for Sid. It will most certainly be additional chemo and further scanning to keep eyes on the cancer, but right now, we are rejoicing, thanking God, and going to enjoy the weekends babysitting our grandkids! Love and thanks to all who have supported, prayed and gotten us through these last nine months. Sid said last night that we have the best family and friends. So glad you all have been a part of our blessed life.

Dad will undergo surgery tomorrow morning at 8:45 in hopes of getting his voice back. Prayers are much appreciated that the procedure goes well and works.

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