Friday, October 3, 2014

Update on Dad 10/3/14

Update on Dad. He is recovering in CCU. He is alert, but sleepy. He was confused as to what was happening because this was not in the initial plan. He has had over 2 liters of fluid taken off his lungs. His blood pressure is good. Oxygen is flowing throughout his body nicely. He is still on the ventilator, but hopefully not for long. His surgeon was saying how dad doesn't like to do anything by the book. But the positive is, my mom didn't have to learn how to "nurse" the catheter. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. Gretchen took her out to Paladar for a drink and dinner before mom goes home and sleeps, and they were both crying in the restaurant from all the love and support. We love you all! You have all been amazing to our entire family.

Mom has been reading a book about a young man that went to West Point and then on to Ranger School. While Sid was in surgery, mom was reading about the ordeals of ranger school. He was saying not many make it through from those that start and without any recycling through sections to pass. Dad made it through without recycling! He is Army strong. We know he will make it through this. We love all you that are holding him up in prayer.

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