Monday, March 31, 2014

Somebody's Been Eating!

Good news, dad has been eating! And real food too, not just the liquid gold that goes directly to his stomach!

Mom and dad took a trip to the commissary where dad picked out foods that he wanted to try and eat. While some days are easier than others, dad has been able to eat. He's had a fried egg, bacon, some toast, the little crunchy things that come with Chinese food, and pizza. He's working on increasing his protein intake so that he can continue to get stronger and run in all those races that mom has said he would do with people.

He also has the negative pressure wound therapy (aka wound vac) attached to him. The wound is getting better. The home nurse has seen a lot of improvement lately. It is getting more shallow, which is awesome.

Dad has also been out and about more. He was finally able to go back to church and has been in the office for more hours, on more days of the week. He will be at the Orioles opening day today with mom, Gretchen, and Aunt Pat. Hopefully the O's can get a win today for the occasion!

We ask for continued prayers of healing for the pothole in dad's stomach (mom's and dad's joke as to the appearance of dad's stomach) and for increased strength as he readies for surgery toward the end of this month.

We thank you all for the encouragement and photos from various events. You are a big part of dad's healing process and we appreciate each and every one of you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

I also wanted to quickly mention again that in the fall of last year, my dad, sister, and I signed up to run the Across the Bay 10K. I wanted to take it a step further and use this run to help raise funds for cancer research. Please join me in my efforts to raise funds for the American Cancer Society to help support their mission: "saves lives and creates a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back." Please help by donating to "Team Don't Stop Believing" between now and November when the race takes place. Thank you all in advance for all your support!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Relay for Life and Birthdays!

Team Don't Stop Believing was out in full force today at the Piney Orchard Running Club's Wipeout Cancer 5K. Out of 300 runners, Team Don't Stop Believing had 30 people (10% of the population  was there with Team Oaksmith). We want to thank all of the runners and walkers who came out in support of cancer research and our team. It warmed our hearts on a colder day to see everyone there.
Mom and Dad before the race!
Team Don't Stop Believing!
We also celebrated mom's 60th birthday today. We made sure she was fully geared up with a sash, beads, birthday headband, and balloon (thanks Aunt Corry!). The kids and I took her to the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament to see Army take on Maryland. While it wasn't a win, it was a fun game with great seats. She has greatly appreciated all the phone calls, texts, emails, cards, and facebook messages wishing her a happy birthday.
The view from our seats
Dad is doing well. His wound is getting better each day. I got to see mom change the bandage, which was very cool to see. The wound is getting smaller, more shallow, and the bad stuff is staying away. The current joke is "who needs a six pack when you have a pothole."

He is getting lots of nutrients through his feeding tube on a continual basis, and even changed his own bag today while we were out. Mom is thinking that she can turn over that job to him every day! He was even able to eat corn and potato chowder soup the other day which was amazing progress.

He's been up and moving around and has been in and out of the office. It is great to see him getting stronger every day.

Mom is a great nurse and has been known to teach some of the home nurses how to correctly pack dad's wound. She may have missed her calling as a wound care nurse. She's done great with dad though with his feedings, wound care, and everything in between.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Surgery in 4 Weeks

I just spoke with dad and they are going ahead with surgery in 4 weeks. He has to gain 5-10 pounds before then. I mean, the doctors can just take some of mine and give it to him. I will gladly make that "sacrifice" for dad.

The doctor was so pleased with how he looks. Dad has also been out walking and has had a couple 1/2 mile walks.

Mom and dad want to thank all those who are helping them with your prayers, help, laughter, support, and everything else you have done. We could not make it without Team "Don't Stop Believing!"

Dad had a lot of wonderful visitors over the weekend with Aunt Hazel, Arlene, the Ekvalls, and the Andersons. Since we are on spring break here this week, the kids and I will be headed down to Maryland tomorrow to visit, run the Piney Orchard Wipeout Cancer 5K, and take mom to the NCAA Tournament to see the Army Women's Basketball team play!

We ask for continued prayers that dad's stomach wound continues to heal and that he gains 5-10 pounds.

Deuteronomy 31:6     Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Surprise Visit for Mom and Dad

Back when dad was in the hospital for a long time, I decided that it would be fun if the Hokie Bird could pay him a visit. So on February 25, I sent a message to the Hokie Bird on Facebook. I didn't know if the Hokie Bird would come visit, but as I said in my message, you never know unless you ask - something I learned from my mom. I got a very quick response from the Bird and thus began the start of a great surprise.

I told Gretchen that I had been in touch with the Hokie Bird and that the Bird was going to try and come visit with dad. I asked Gretchen if we should tell mom, but we both quickly agreed that it would be much cooler if we kept it a secret from both of them. 

After weeks of messaging back and forth, the Hokie Bird let us know that he would be in the area and could come visit on Wednesday around noon. I don't know if mom was wondering why we were so curious about what they were doing and where they'd be on Wednesday around noon, but we got all the info and put our plan into motion. I called the Anne Arundel Medical Center Wound Center and let them know that a big Hokie Bird would be there to surprise dad just so that they weren't caught off guard. The lady on the phone was great; she sounded as excited as we were about the visit.

Gretchen would be there to meet the Hokie Bird and take photos and video of the whole thing. Of course, we had a little moment of panic when Gretchen's oldest had an orthodontist appointment at 11 that day, but he got done in record time and Gretchen was at the hospital early to wait for the Hokie Bird.

Gretchen, Josh, and the Hokie Bird surprised mom and dad in the exam room. There were lots of happy tears and smiles. If it looks like mom is crying in all these pictures, she is, but they are definitely happy tears. So happy that we could arrange this surprise for mom and dad after everything they've been through. The Hokie Bird definitely embodied Virginia Tech's motto "Ut Prosim" (That I May Serve) today. He left dad a poster that said, "To a true Hokie, Keep strong and never stop jumping!"
Hokie Bird with mom and dad

Hokie Bird with dad

Josh was excited that he was in on the surprise

Josh with the Hokie Bird

Go Hokies!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Glo Run Registration is Open!

We are doing The Glo Run race to celebrate life! You don't have to be a runner to do it with us either. I will be walking with Austin on my back and with Payton by my side.

To register, go to and click on "tap here to register." Fill in the required blanks. Under Group/Team, click Select Group/Team. A pop-up window will appear and you'll be able to scroll through to find our team, "Don't Stop Believing." There is no limit on the number of people each team can have so we'd love to have you all on our team! We have already reached our team of 5, which means that everybody who signs up under our team will get a pair of glow in the dark sunglasses!!

Registration is $50 per person. They may have specials that they announce on Facebook or on their web page so look for those as well. If you register before March 19, you can get 40% off (40% OFF ($30) to the next 250 or by 3/19/14 with code "40GloDC"). You don't have to be a runner to join us; you just have to be willing to get out and have a little fun in DC at 8:40 pm.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Last Day of Radiation

Dad had his last day of radiation today! When he left, he rang the bell to signify his last day. I don't think mom and dad ever heard a more beautiful sounding bell. The staff at the radiation center at AAMC was wonderful, but we will be very happy if we never have to see them in that setting again. After his last treatment, he had an IV infusion to help with his hydration.
Mom is doing a great job as his nurse. The visiting nurse even noted at how good mom was doing with taking care of dad's stomach wound after just one demonstration. They don't know what we all already know about mom, she's kind of amazing.

Dad was back in the office today. Once his stomach pump started beeping though, it was time to go. Payton (my 3.5 year old) thinks it's pretty funny that grandpa's stomach beeps when he's hungry. 

2 Corinthians 4:15-16     All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.  Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dad is Home!!

After spending roughly a month in the hospital, dad was able to come home today!! Hooray for answered prayers!

Dad is happy to be home and to be wearing his clothes. He wants to thank the German Club for his new outfit. Zoey is very excited to have him home too.

Mom is now back on the job taking care of dad. He'll still be going into the hospital every day until Friday to finish up his radiation treatments, but he's happy to be back in his chair and watching his TV with a remote where he can go up and down and type in a specific number! It's the little things sometimes.

Keep the prayers coming for continued healing and for a total eradication of the cancer!

There are also a couple of other ways to support dad that we wanted to let you all know about really quickly. If you are in the Odenton, MD area on March 23 (mom's 60th Birthday), please come run the Wipe Out Cancer 5K with Team Don't Stop Believing. There are still a few spaces left on the team. Also, registration opens tomorrow (Thursday) for the Glo Run. The date has changed to August 9. We can have an unlimited number of teammates on Team Don't Stop Believing! Finally, dad, Gretchen, and I are running the 10K Across the Bay. Team Don't Stop Believing is raising funds for the American Cancer Society in conjunction with that run. Please consider donating to the cause; we'd really appreciate it!

Mark 11:24      Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Last Week of Radiation!!

Dad with his grandkids: TL Payton, TR Austin BL Joshua, BR Ashley
Let's lead off with the good news, this is dad's last week of radiation!! Hooray! He will have his final treatment on Friday. It has been 7 weeks (1 week off due to surgery) of treatment.

Dad has been in the hospital since our visit to Annapolis. He will soon move to a room in the Oncology Ward. But there is talk of him going home. He will still require bandage changes, but if he gets to go home, they will teach mom everything she needs to know. I think mom should probably get an honorary oncology nursing license after this.

There is still no word on his second, and final, round of chemo. So long as his stomach wound is still healing, they will most likely not do the chemo. It is healing, but it is a slow process.

Dad should have had his stomach wound cleaned up this afternoon. To save you the details, they basically removed the bad to make way for the good. The simplified answer they gave mom and Gretchen was that, they needed to remove the concrete so the grass can grow.

He is getting stronger every day. He has enjoyed seeing all his visitors, and had a lot of people come and visit over the weekend. He has his phone and has been answering emails as well. When I spoke with him today, he sounded very good. We can't wait until we get to see him soon.
Dad checking emails

Jeremiah 17:14    Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.