Friday, January 24, 2014

The Pesky Hiccups

I apologize for not posting sooner. Our household has been hit by the winter icky's and so we've been working to all get better.

Dad has had hiccups this week. We tried to scare him over the phone, told him to hold his breath, and tried to get him to drink a cup of water upside down but nothing seemed to help. He is still working though and undergoing treatments. Luckily, no treatments have been cancelled due to the storm, just moved to later in the day.

The snow brought some fun for mom as she watched Josh and Ashley, the older grandchildren. They had a day off of school and so got to come down to Annapolis and go sledding.

We hope everyone is doing well despite the cold weather, part 2. Josh and Ashley said that they are loving the snow but are hoping that it doesn't close school anymore so they don't have to go later in June, but that they wouldn't mind having 2 hour delays.

Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

From dad: Yesterday (January 21) was a tough day as I had bad hiccups all day. With God's help, the hiccups went away long enough to do the radiation treatment. I asked my nurse navigator if she knew something that would help. All the Internet suggestions were not working. She suggested a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in warm water. It worked almost instantly and lasted through the night. Praise God! It seems to be still working.

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