Thursday, January 30, 2014

Radiation with a Side of Saline

Today was a good day.  Dad went to the hospital and received his daily radiation.  He also got saline fluids, which he will do three times a week to help with hydration.  He had lots more energy, and was able to go to work for 5 hours. 

He is also managing his hiccups better.  Mom and dad are careful to not get dad too full and to remember to pour the liquid into his feeding tube without a lot of head (like in beer). Mom is very careful to pour down the edge of the tube.

In case you were wondering, they found another cure for hiccups: stick a throat swab to the back of your throat.

Today, dad received a beautiful quilt made for him by the Ebenezer United Methodist Church from long-time friends BJ and Kerrie Tucker from Virginia Tech and 1/75th in Bamberg days, so just a couple years ago.

James 1:12   Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

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