Saturday, January 4, 2014

The News as of January 4

Family photo taken in May 2013 by J. Shipley Photography

My mom has asked me to write a blog to keep everyone updated with what is going on with my dad. You can follow this blog and I will update it as we learn more information, or even when dad has something that he wants to put out to everyone. Through this blog, we will also let you know more of the specific of what we need prayers for during a particular time. And as always, general prayers for health, healing, a cure, and good doctors are always in high demand!

First and foremost, to those who have sent cards, letters, texts, emails, etc., thank you so very much! Dad loves reading them and hearing from all of you. My dad doesn't have Facebook, but my mom has shared all the posts with him and he is always amazed to see all the support and love that you all have shown to him and to our whole family during this difficult time.

Dad starts his road to beating cancer next week. He goes to the radiologist on Tuesday, and see the surgeon on Wednesday. The surgeon will put in a feeding tube and port for his chemo treatments. On a side note, the once beer and wine fridge has now been converted to a protein shake and meal replacement shake fridge.

Thursday, dad is hoping to get a PET scan to make sure that the cancer is just in the one spot. He did have a CT scan, but the PET scan is definitive and sensitive. Following that, we hope to start radiation and chemo treatments the following week. He will go every day for 5 weeks for radiation treatments. He will have two 4-5 day chemo sessions during that time as well.

After the chemo and radiation, he has 6 weeks to recover his strength and then surgery to take the tumor out! With God's help, he will then be healing and getting stronger!

The whole family (yes, all of us) plans to run a 5k in the fall to celebrate. Something fun to celebrate life! We are thinking maybe a Color Run so that the kids can participate too.

Mom and dad are in Annapolis and are looking forward to continuing to hear from and/or seeing their friends and family. They run a pretty nice B&B for visiting family and friends. As per the usual dad, he will continue to work throughout this time and see clients as he is able as a financial planner for First Command. Luckily, his office is only a few minutes from home and both mom and Gretchen work in the office with him.

As it says in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." With our faith in the Lord, our love that we have for our family, and the love of our friends, we move forward and take on the cancer together.


  1. Thank you Lindsay! I get updates from your mom and Gretchen, but this blog is AWESOME!!! I am so sad that I am moving at this time. I'd be there to help them every step of the way if we were staying put. However, as I told your mom, San Diego is only a few flights away! They have helped me numerous times and I feel like part of the family. One day you and I will actually get to meet and I will do my best to be there for the 5K!!! We will celebrate Sid being cancer free!!!!

    Dayna and I will be there with them at the end of January for a few days and possibly a few in FEB before we leave for CA. So I plan to be there to help out with anything needed, or at least cook a bit for your mom so she can take a much needed break. No wait, this is Sid and Becky, they don't slow down and take breaks! :) Most active couple I know.

    Not sure if you knew, but Sid is now my boss as well as Gretchen! Like I said, part of the family!!!

    I pray continually for healing, strength and comfort for all of you and that will not stop. Dayna is praying as well and is looking forward to seeing them all again. My mom kicked cancer's butt last year and I know your dad will do so as well. He is one tough cookie! And with all the friends and family worldwide that are sending up prayers for him and your whole family, we all will help him beat this thing!!!

    God's strength is perfect and He gives it to all who believe and ask. Your dad is truly a man of God for it is reflected in all that he says and does. God has him in the palm of His hand and none can pluck him from from it.

    "And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
    For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
    And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." 2 CORINTHIANS 12:7-10

    Love to all!!!
    Nancy Winn

  2. Lindsay,

    Thank you for the information. I have told your mom she and your dad as well as the rest of the family are in my prayers constantly.

    I have known your parents since we were at AHS in the 70's in the band and orchestra. Then as I know now, they are both loving, beautiful people and friends.

    I pray that God gives your parents and your family the strength to endure the coming months. I pray that the news in the coming days will be positive. Your parents are fighters and I know they will fight this challenge with all their strength.

    As I am a breast cancer survivor I usually do the Susan G. Komen walk in the fall. But if I am in Annapolis in the fall I will participate or contribute to the cause.

    God Bless your dad, mom and family. Even though I live in NY please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. And if there is anything I can do, please let me know.

    God Bless You and Protect You!

    My love to all.
    Debbie Brown

  3. Thanks for doing this, Lindsay. Darcy and I are praying for Sid daily. James 5:16

  4. please pray for my grandpa/sid to make him feel better.
    love, ashley
