Sunday, August 17, 2014

Chemo Round 3 Starts Tomorrow

Round 3 of chemo starts tomorrow. After this, dad has 1 round to go.

Dad is tired but hanging in there. He needs to gain weight to keep up his strength, and he's working hard to do just that. He's working hard to get lots of calories in and keep them in.

His smile is still there through his tiredness. The kids and I are have been here for a while visiting. Dad has enjoyed our visit, and has loved listening to the kids' laughing. And we have loved seeing dad and helping mom out for a little bit.

Mom and dad got a good report from the doctor on Friday, so we will take all good news. Dad is still seeing a marvelous acupuncturist who is helping with his vocal cords. Prayers for the acupuncturist's healing as well.

Dad also did the Glo Run with us. He was able to walk across the finish line, which was absolutely awesome to witness.

I continue to be extremely proud and amazed at both my parents for how they have dealt with all the trials and tribulations. Their faith, humor, and unwavering love and devotion are incredibly admirable.

Please keep the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes coming.

Isaiah 43:1-3        "..."Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you. "For I am the LORD your God..."

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Update #3 on Dad

Thank you all for all the prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. Words cannot fully express how much they mean to us. We are continually amazed by the outpouring of love and support. It is through our faith, family, and friends that we are able to get through these hard times and look ahead to the fun times yet to come.

They took dad for CT scan around 10:39 last night. Dad will be admitted to the hospital because there are two small clots in each lung. Unfortunately they had to sit in the ER all night, but dad was able to get a "real" bed which helps a little. They have given him lovenox, the medicine you give through injection. Mom will need to give him those shots twice a day in place of the Coumadin he was taking.

Mom was able to go home around 5 am and got just a little bit of sleep before going back to the hospital.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Update on Dad 8/4/14

Update on dad: No chemo today. His blood levels were too low, so he is having a blood transfusion. Mom and dad see Dr. Garg tomorrow to discuss when to do chemo; we hope later this week.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Chemo Round 2 Starts Tomorrow

Dad has round 2 of chemo starting tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your prayers.

Dad will be there for the Glo Run on Saturday, August 9 even if we have to push him in the wheelchair for part of the way. He is working hard to maintain his weight and gain some back that he lost.

Mom and dad have wonderful family and friends, and they appreciate everything that you all have done for them.

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
(Hebrews 4:16)